Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mi Niño - 11 months

He’s crawling, he’s moving, he’s cruising and now he always wants us to “walk” him around the house. He gets upset when we let go and he has to sit again. As soon as he touches our hands he quickly grasps our index fingers and pulls on them, like come on, let's walk! We just can't resist, but I also just want him to take his time. He's into everything now, once he starts walking, forget it! We'll definitely be getting our workout.

At 11 months, he is definitely doing all the right things. He’s babbling and using different sounds; he says dah-dy, which of course sounds like daddy, but sometimes it sounds like doggy. I’m not sure, but if it’s dah-dy, oh well – go figure. He knows what “no” means, but does he listen? NO! Sometimes he does, but he has a smirk on his face and goes back to what he shouldn’t be doing. That’s OK, we are consistent for the most part, so hopefully one day it will click. Javier is starting to feed himself with his spoon. He hates finger food right now, which is a bit frustrating, but he loves using the spoon to scoop and knows to bring it to his mouth. Finger food freaks him out - yeah, we're working on that... He drinks out of a sippy cup, which is great because I think we’ll skip the bottle when we start giving him regular milk. OH! He learned how to clap! It’s the cutest thing ever. I say “bravo” and clap and he does it with a huge smile.

These days have been so fun, but one thing that scared us to death was when just a couple of weeks ago, he choked on a teeny-tiny piece of what looked like the corner of a candy wrapper. It happened in seconds and we had to call the ambulance. We got it out because he finally threw up, but it was the scariest thing ever. The paramedic checked him out even though Javier was fine when they got there and said that babies’ windpipes are narrower than their own little pinkies and that it only takes the tiniest object to block them. What sucked about this one little thing was that it got sticky (with saliva and mucus b/c he had a cold)so it stuck not allowing us to get it out when we tipped him and patted his back. Throwing up is what did it. It was so, so, scary and what was alarming was how quickly it all happened. Hopefully, never again.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(Changes To Weblog)

(I know, I know, how many times am I going to change the template design to the blog?? I just get kind of bored with the templates so I like the freedom I have to change them. I actually wanted to go back to my original template, but I can't find it anymore! Oh well. Life is ever changing, so I thought my blog would be too. But actually, this will be the final "wardrobe" change. It is fun to see all the designs out there, but changing it all the time is a selfish thing to do so I won't do it anymore.

The other reason for the final design is that I think I will start another blog that will encompass everything outside of the LOVE MY SON TO DEATH bubble. At times I find that I do want to write about something totally unrelated to him and it wouldn't make sense to write about it on this blog. So, to keep it consistent I may keep this one going to keep a journal on JM, but I will also start posting on a different blog to write about all the other ideas, thoughts, concepts that make my brain sizzle. Isn't it exciting???! Somewhat, I suppose. We'll see how it goes.)