Monday, August 1, 2011

Woot! It's Summer time!

This summer has been super-fun to say the least. Thank goodness we’re having a good time, but I have to admit, the bad storms kinda scare me. I’m such a wuss, but I’ve hated storms since I can remember and ironically, I move to probably one of the most extreme weather states. The winter storms are totally fine, it’s the summer ones that make me pace and my heart pound hard – I’m like a dog wanting to hide in any dark corner of the house. Luckily, Javier (15 months old now) is oblivious to them and I hope it stays that way. He just looks at me, seriously in the eyes, when I hear the sirens, scoop him up, and take him to the basement. Then we get down there, and all he wants to do is play….

At the beginning of the summer, I was so excited to be outdoors and to be able to take Javier wherever I could, and it has been exactly that. Hence the very, very late blog post. We’ve gone to parks, beaches, restaurants; we’ve been on vacation with both sides of the family, first to Small Point, ME and second to a lake resort in Pine River MN; we’ve also had great play-dates with friends. Even though Javier is hesitant at times when it comes to new things (like getting into the lake or ocean), he is adapting well and learning everyday.

He has finally started walking!!! It’s been 3 weeks now and he’s almost mastered it. Hasn’t started running yet, but I have a feeling it’s around the corner. I don’t know if it’s because I’m around a lot of little kids now a days, but after the first few times of seeing him walk, it became a normal thing fast. It was definitely exciting to see him do it and to see him get excited, but now we’re just making sure he doesn’t fall and crack his head on something. All in all, it’s amazing and it’s a bit surreal that we have a walking toddler!

Javier has quite the personality and it’s so fun to be around him. He loves to fake laugh and it just cracks me up. He does it in the morning too, and it makes my day. Eating finger food and “adult” food is not an issue anymore. He turned a corner about a month ago and now tries almost everything. I just have to remind him to chew, chew, chew! We try to show him how (he knows, but we like to show him) and he laughs as he mimics us. We definitely have a little rascal in our hands…

I’ve left my little guy for an over-night for the first time ever just a week ago. It was for the U2 concert and I have to admit, I didn’t miss him. Mostly because he was with his father so I had nothing to worry about. And well because I was with Bono!!! I was able to relax, have several drinks, and truly enjoy my night out. U2 was magical, spiritual – as a friend mentioned, and I hope that I can get Javier to like them too. I’m gearing up to play all of the best for Javi so he knows what good music is/was and so he grows up listening to what mom and dad listened to. And you know, like bands/musicians that should never be forgotten – old and new. From Michael Jackson, Beatles, Bob Marley, Prince to Ray Lamontagne, Rodrigo y Gabriela, and Adele - to mention a few.

Anyway, leaving him for a night wasn’t bad at all, but I don’t know if I could do it for longer than that. It would have to be for a pretty darn good reason.