Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby Boy, OH MY

We had our 20 week survey/ultrasound yesterday and it has been revealed that we are having a boy! I was in shock, but if I would've heard that it was a girl, I would've been in shock as well. I just couldn't believe that whole time we were in there that the baby on the screen was ours. That it was my baby!

I've experienced many, many interesting things in my life, but this one beats them all. When you see living things grow, outside of your body, it seems so normal, so natural. But when you know that someone, this little living being, is growing inside of you, the whole experience becomes truly wild. I can't think of any other word at the moment... You look at the screen and you think for a moment that what is happening has to be happening outside of you, but no, it's all right there inside of your uterus.

We were so excited, to say the least, and it was so fun to see the baby move, and yawn!, and cover its face. We saw the outline of the little penis and testicle. As one of my friends put it, I'm growing a little penis inside of me! Everything else looked good to me, and hopefully to the ultrasound tech too.

I was nervous that something would be wrong and that the tech would tell me to wait after the appointment so that my midwife could tell me what was wrong. She didn't, but she also wasn't very jolly about the whole thing. I know techs are like that sometimes, like emotionless because they have to be, but come on! I asked about my bicornuate uterus and she actually looked closely for it and it was there. It was so cool, strangely! We saw a heart and the baby inside of it. I wish she would've taken a shot of it b/c it was so visible. It was like a heart that you would draw on a piece of paper. We were both kind of delighted to see that the baby was inside of this heart. I just hope that the heart stretches as the baby continues to grow...

The results came back today and all looks good. Baby is sizing at 21 weeks, which is great. All organs were visible and so no problems were detected at this time. I definitely am thankful for many, many things this Thanksgiving, but I have to say I am most grateful for being able to grow this baby, and that so far he is thriving well.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I love reading your stories! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful things that are happening to you! I especially appreciate your perspective on the "early stages" of pregnancy as we "try," and then wait... ;) --Betsy (Quinlan) Ball
